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Three months in to the season, and three months left to go. We're finally hitting our rhythm with warmer, drier days.

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No Two Seasons are the Same

No Two Seasons are the Same

Sweet corn, tomatoes, green and wax beans, and our fabulous berry crop are hitting the stands despite the rainy weather of 2024.

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A Berry Fruitful Harvest

A Berry Fruitful Harvest

Our miracle strawberry crop has kept producing in a season of excess rain.

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Water Water Everywhere

Water Water Everywhere

Significant amounts of springtime rain have left us with some soggy problems. We go from one extreme to another!

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What a Difference a Year Makes

What a Difference a Year Makes

We have been blessed with another round of spring rains that have left us with adequate amounts of moisture. Most importantly, we haven’t received the severe...

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Spring Has Sprung

Spring Has Sprung

The farm is in full swing in early May, with apple trees blooming, fields being planted, and asparagus ready for harvest!

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Is the Drought Really Over?

Is the Drought Really Over?

Some say that signs are positive, but in reality this is a complicated question.

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If the Calendar Says March, it's Still Winter on the Farm

If the Calendar Says March, it's Still Winter on the Farm

But farming has its challenges, and we want to talk about it.

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